
Specializing in finding
Next of Kin (NOK) for Missing &
Unclaimed Person Cases

   Next of Kin   

Every year, thousands of people pass away or go missing and authorities are unable to locate their next of kin.

NOKfinders supports agencies in finding next of kin (NOK) ensuring they can make a death notification. We specialize in challenging cases.

Explore What We Do

Investigating Agencies

NOKfinders Research Services

Research services to locate next of kin in Unclaimed & Missing Person cases


NOKfinders Academy

Are you interested building your skills in Forensic Genealogy?

Next of Kin

NOKfinders information for families

U.S. Unclaimed & Missing Person Statistics


Unclaimed Person Cases (09/22/2024)


Missing Person Cases (09/22/2024)


Unidentified Persons (09/22/2024)


Data from NamUs 

NOKfinders Team

Shannon Wood Byers, MS, MBA

CEO/Founder/Forensic Genealogist

Current Team

We have 15 researchers and 5 support members dedicated to providing professional, confidential forensic genealogy.

Seeking Academy Members

Apply to our Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

We provide professional research services to identify next of kin in missing person and unclaimed person cases.  Using forensic genealogy practices, we are able to start with basic information (name, birth date, location) on the decedent and identify for next of kin and their contact information. All researchers adhere to the Association of Professional Genealogists Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. 

What do you specialize in?

We specialize in Unclaimed and Missing Person Cases where the decedent’s identity is known.

Who do you work with?

We work with investigating authorities including:  Medical Examiners, Funeral Homes,  Coroners, Law Enforcement, etc.

What is an Unclaimed Person Case?

A person becomes unclaimed when they pass away and next of kin do not claim their remains.  This occurs for many reasons.  The next of kin may be financially unable to pay the expenses associated with claiming the remains.  The family may have been estranged from the decedent and is not interested in claiming the remains.  The next of kin may be unaware their family member had passed.  

How do you help in Missing Person Cases?

When someone has been missing for an extended period we help locate next of kin. The investigating agency then contacts the family to provide them an option of giving a DNA sample to have as reference. When remains are found, the families DNA sample can be used to provide a positive identification. This is particularly useful for cold cases. 

What are the rates of your research services?

NOKfinders is an L3C (low-profit limited liability company) and our goal is to support authorities in solving unclaimed person cases.  Please contact us to learn how we can support you through our pro bono services.

What is NOKfinders Academy?

Aspiring professional forensic genealogists are eligible to apply to NOKfinders Academy.  The Academy provides support and mentoring as you work on live cases to further develop skills.