Investigating Agencies

NOKfinders is a low-profit limited liability company that specializes in finding next of kin for unclaimed and missing person cases. 

How to Partner with NOKfinders

Does your agency need to find next of kin for a missing person or decedent? NOKfinders specializes in difficult cases and can supplement your current efforts.

Using forensic genealogy, each case is researched using publicly available records and open source intelligence.  

The subject’s name, birthdate (if known) and location of death (or date of last contact for missing persons) are needed to initiate a case. If cases are in NamUs, simply provide the case ID. 

We will provide a summary of next of kin and their contact information, a detailed research report and chart detailing the relationships. Reports are fully cited so you can review the information and be confident the correct next of kin have been identified. 

We adhere to the Association of Professional Genealogists Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. 

Services are offered pro bono with no cost to agencies. 

Our Partners

Example agencies that we work with include:


Medical Examiners 

Law Enforcement

Marine Patrol

Funeral Homes

County Probate Courts

Public Administrators


Interested in learning more about NOKfinders?